Politics in Action

Political Shenanagans and the Deals Politicians Make. P. U. to the rest of us

Location: McHenry, Il., United States

Union electrician for 30+ years.Grew up in the 60's. Viet Nam Vet. Started out as pretty liberal, but... now I'm getting older.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Those Educated Letter Writers

I ran across a letter to the editor last Sat. 1-13-07. It was written by an elite. The Asst. Prof. of History at Northwestern Univ., Melissa McCauley. I can see that these kids are getting a real education from her.
In the letter, she talks about the “Voo-Doo” economics of the Bush administration. I don’t know if she can’t read, is just ignorant of the facts, just doesn’t care, or what, but according to the news reports of the last 5 years, the receipts into the treasury have been going up every year, year after year. I’m confused. Is the Liberal Press lying for the Bush administration? I doubt it. That doesn’t sound like “Voo-Doo” economics to me. It sounds like somebody actually might have gotten it right. Imagine that. Soon, after our taxes are paid, we’ll read and hear about it again.
She also talked about “Realistic Dreams” and “Winning Hearts and Minds”. What’s unrealistic about thinking that another group of people could hope to have some of the freedoms we have here? Professor, do you think that Iraqi’s are incapable of choosing their own destiny? Why do they all flock to the United States, if given the chance, if it’s so bad here? I just don’t get it.
As far as “winning hearts and minds” goes, who ever dreamed that these people would start killing each other with such ferocity? I can sleep at night knowing that this wasn’t the outcome people were expecting. I was under the impression that the Sunni and Shi’a settled their differences 1,000 years ago, but I guess I was wrong about that. This is just Iraqi against Iraqi, seeking revenge, plain and simple. All George Bush did was take the lid off and the pot boiled over.
Imagine if when President Kennedy was assassinated, all the Catholics and Protestants, or the Christians and non-Christians started killing and blowing each other to smithereens for a few years. We’ll have to bring in some Canadians or maybe Mexicans to kill people in both of our groups. Maybe some torture with a power drill for a little extra added excitement. You couldn’t even imagine that happening here or England or France or Germany or where ever, so why should we expect that kind of activity in Iraq? It looks as if we here in the West are just going to have to “Understand” and “Feel their pain”. You know, like we’re told. They have some shaking-out to do. Maybe the Rev. Jesse Jackson or Gov. Bill Richardson can go there and do something. But that’s wishful thinking. The Rev. Jackson is busy shaking down various businesses and the Governor is busy wrapping up the “crisis in Darfur”. Good Job.
Maybe cutting and running’s the way to go. I doubt it. I don’t think that even our “Friends” even believe that or that we would do it. Well maybe do it. After all, they’ve seen us run away before like with Viet Nam. We left with our tails between our legs, and a few million people died. But, “We felt Their Pain”, I’m sure. I was around then, but I can’t say I felt any pain. But, in the end, who really cares? Certainly not Sen. John Kerry or Rep. Jack Murtha or most any other democrat, that’s for sure. They led the Abandonment charge back then, and they are proudly doing the same thing today.
She wrote about how history looks back on presidents, but got it all wrong. History will smile on Goerge Bush. He’s the only president prepared to do what really is for the good of the American People. Make these Muslims deal with this nonsense, once and for all, I hope. That’s more than you can say for the Clinton administration. They had Sandy Burgler go and steal damaging, sensitive papers and destroy them before the truth could come out.
Repeat a lie enough and it becomes the TRUTH.


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