Our Real Mid-East Friends
It isn't Egypt, Lybia, Pakistan or even Turkey. There's only one country in the middle-east with any guts to stand-up to Iran. You'd be hard pressed to get any of the Elites in congress to recognise that fact though. Our allies, the Saudi Arabians are the only ones willing to sacrifice for the good of the world. They're moving to cutoff Iran's money supply.
A few months ago, oil was $80 a barrel and looked like it was headed even higher. Now it's down in the $50 range and looking like it's going lower. Yes, some will say that we've had a mild winter, and it may have started that way, but it's back to normal now.The Europeans had a good shot of winter also.
The Saudis did something our own Elites in congress would never do. I don't know if congress lacks the vision, intelligence, or both. The Saudis chose to fight fire with fire. They seem to be trying to cut-off Iran's money supply. I think it's really a very good idea. Flood the oil markets and Iran runs low on Money. Da! It makes sense to me. All we hear in America is, "it's going to take 10 years to get the arctic oil developed." They may be right, But we've been hearing that song and dance since the "OIL SHOCK" back in 1976 when Jimmy Carter set the whole 1,000,000 acres in the arctic refuge aside for oil drilling. Even he knew we had to do something. For the youngsters, those were the days we had to wait in lines to buy gas, when it was available. And then, only on even or odd days.
I'm not stupid enough to think that the Saudis did it for our good. They did it to protect themselves. They aren't stupid enough to believe that anyone can negotiate with Iran. They've been members of the UN for to long to know that they can't do anything either. Our congressional goofs still think that Iran wants to negotiate. They aren't looking for negotiations anymore than al Qaeda is. They have an agenda and plan to carry it out no matter what.
Iran's president told the world to "let America bring it on". That America's not capable of doing much harm to them. The best that our Elites in congress can come up with is Negotiate? With who and for how long? 50 years or so? All the Democrats in the hallowed halls of congress seem to want to do is make a deal. Are we talking about the kind Bill Clinton made with N. Korea? You know, make a deal, give them a whole bunch of money, and then have them do what the N. Koreans did to Bill and us? Feed the army and build "the bomb"?
The Saudis know that the UN is too impotent to do anything about Iran. Our congress sure doesn't have the balls. So they decided to apply their own sanctions. Deprive Iran of their revenues, and they can't cause more mischief than they already are. Iran must be starting to feel the pinch too. They are lashing out using their proxies, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Sadr in Iraq.
I'm sure the Saudis heard about the N. Koreans helping Iran build long range missles by now, and I'll bet they're worried. I wouldn't be surprised to see all those oil producing countries ramp up production and drive the price down to $25 a barrel again, but that won't happen. But I'm sure they are willing to do almost anything to stop Iran even if we aren't.
That helps us with Chavez too. He was living large, passing out dough to all his U.S. hating pals. But now, with oil dropping, I'll bet we hear less from him too. He'll probebly lash out somehow trying to get our attention, but hopefully, he won't be able to do much damage.
It's just to bad that our very own elites in the hallowed halls of congress can't see the forest through the trees.
Thank you Saudi Arabia.
A few months ago, oil was $80 a barrel and looked like it was headed even higher. Now it's down in the $50 range and looking like it's going lower. Yes, some will say that we've had a mild winter, and it may have started that way, but it's back to normal now.The Europeans had a good shot of winter also.
The Saudis did something our own Elites in congress would never do. I don't know if congress lacks the vision, intelligence, or both. The Saudis chose to fight fire with fire. They seem to be trying to cut-off Iran's money supply. I think it's really a very good idea. Flood the oil markets and Iran runs low on Money. Da! It makes sense to me. All we hear in America is, "it's going to take 10 years to get the arctic oil developed." They may be right, But we've been hearing that song and dance since the "OIL SHOCK" back in 1976 when Jimmy Carter set the whole 1,000,000 acres in the arctic refuge aside for oil drilling. Even he knew we had to do something. For the youngsters, those were the days we had to wait in lines to buy gas, when it was available. And then, only on even or odd days.
I'm not stupid enough to think that the Saudis did it for our good. They did it to protect themselves. They aren't stupid enough to believe that anyone can negotiate with Iran. They've been members of the UN for to long to know that they can't do anything either. Our congressional goofs still think that Iran wants to negotiate. They aren't looking for negotiations anymore than al Qaeda is. They have an agenda and plan to carry it out no matter what.
Iran's president told the world to "let America bring it on". That America's not capable of doing much harm to them. The best that our Elites in congress can come up with is Negotiate? With who and for how long? 50 years or so? All the Democrats in the hallowed halls of congress seem to want to do is make a deal. Are we talking about the kind Bill Clinton made with N. Korea? You know, make a deal, give them a whole bunch of money, and then have them do what the N. Koreans did to Bill and us? Feed the army and build "the bomb"?
The Saudis know that the UN is too impotent to do anything about Iran. Our congress sure doesn't have the balls. So they decided to apply their own sanctions. Deprive Iran of their revenues, and they can't cause more mischief than they already are. Iran must be starting to feel the pinch too. They are lashing out using their proxies, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Sadr in Iraq.
I'm sure the Saudis heard about the N. Koreans helping Iran build long range missles by now, and I'll bet they're worried. I wouldn't be surprised to see all those oil producing countries ramp up production and drive the price down to $25 a barrel again, but that won't happen. But I'm sure they are willing to do almost anything to stop Iran even if we aren't.
That helps us with Chavez too. He was living large, passing out dough to all his U.S. hating pals. But now, with oil dropping, I'll bet we hear less from him too. He'll probebly lash out somehow trying to get our attention, but hopefully, he won't be able to do much damage.
It's just to bad that our very own elites in the hallowed halls of congress can't see the forest through the trees.
Thank you Saudi Arabia.
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