We Were Cavemen

So, the big, long-awaited report on Global Warming finally came out. It's to bad that some of the scientists left the group because they didn't agree with some of the conclusions. Naturally, humans are to blame. Never mind that Canada, the upper US, and the northern halves of Europe and Russia were covered by a sheet of ice more than 1 mile deep only 25,000 years ago. I actually think that's when global warming started.
I was watching an interview on TV (Lerher News Hour, I think) and one of the people was Prof. Oppenhiemer, Princeton U. He said something I found very interesting but was probebly missed by 90% of the audience and, it seems to me, the interviewer. That person didn't ask anything about what he had just said.
He was questioned about predictions of the effects of global warming. He said that the Earth was much warmer once in the past than it's projected to get and that we could get some clues from the LAST TIME EARTH THE EARTH WAS WARM.
THE LAST TIME THE EARTH WAS WARM? That had to be atleast 400,000 years ago or more. A couple of days ago, there was a news report about the LAST ICE-AGE. Fox News reported that scientists now think the LAST ICE-AGE lasted 400,000 years. They made their conclusions from the fosselized teeth of extinct horses. A few months ago, there was another news report that the surface of the planet Mars has been getting warmer. Who do we blame for that? The US's Mars Rovers?
As far as I know, there haven't been any reports of anyone ever finding 50,000 year old coal-fired power plants, cars, or buried cities. Well there may be cities, afterall, we are still looking for Atlantis.
Scientists say that We Were Still CAVEMEN back then. Going out day after day, looking for food, and clubbing women over the head to get a mate. Yet, day after day, we keep hearing about what we did to cause global warming. Just being born and sucking up oxygen causes one man's pollution, I guess.
I guess I just don't get it. I agree that we haven't made things any better, but whatever is gong to happen is going to happen no matter what we do. The planet is starting to warm-up again. We might contribute, but it's just "NATURE RUNNING IT'S COURSE", kinda like being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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