Politics in Action

Political Shenanagans and the Deals Politicians Make. P. U. to the rest of us

Location: McHenry, Il., United States

Union electrician for 30+ years.Grew up in the 60's. Viet Nam Vet. Started out as pretty liberal, but... now I'm getting older.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Flg Flap

To hear congressional democrats agonize over where U.S. flags are made sure gave me a chuckle. Once again congress' ineptitude gave us a problem that now has to be solved. It's just to bad that they don't realize that they aren't the solution, they're the problem.

It was all part of what I call the "congressional enlightening". It took place during the 1970's. Congressional members who were there and still are might not remember the debates, but I do. Democrats had control of both houses and they were flexing their muscles.

First of all, democrats in congress were having a fit about how much the defense dept. was being charged for parts by the defense contractors. Funny how they always seem to forget about how the ridiculous rules and requirements they specify drive up costs.

At the same time the world, led by Japan, began a full blown campaign to break into our markets. Back in those days it seemed like everything made in the world came from America.

Congressional democrats in their zeal to teach the contractors a lesson and to show the world their human face, passed a bunch of new laws, rules, and regulations on where and how our military bought parts. That opened the door and the rest is history.

First the Japanese cornered the market on our goods. Then when their items became to expensive, the Taiwanese stepped in. Then the Koreans and now China.

For me to think that the congress that devised this mess is going to be able to solve the problem is totally beyond my comprehension. I think the best thing to do is for them to stay on vacation so they can't do anything. Sooner or later the American People will get sick and tired of cheap products that only work once or twice and change their ways to demand and buy American once again.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Democrats, Going Green, and High Oil

Everyday pundits, right and left, lament yet another new daily high price for gas and oil. Some seem to know the answer and others seem confused. When the reporters ask members of congress for answers, they just never seem to ask the really tough ones.

I have one for them. Are congressional democrats purposely driving the cost of gas and oil sky-high because they are pushing for alternatives?

Although no one likes to, sometimes you have to call a spade a spade. Democrats know that only high gas prices will pave the way for their "Green Policy". The first 6 years of the bush presidency, gas went from about $1.50 a gallon to about $2.25 a gallon. Since the democrats took control of congress less than 2 years ago, gas has gone from $2.25 a gallon to over $4.25 a gallon with no end in sight. That's impressive.

The democratic nominee, Barack Obama said that he would have preferred a slower rise so the "American People" could adjust to it easier. That's beautiful. His and congressional democrats answer that we should Go Green and Not Drive. What a great answer. Why didn't I think of that. Duh!

Only 1 little problem though, the burg I live in doesn't have that stuff.

Let's see, less than 2 years into the new democratic American direction gas has tripled, oil has tripled, corn has doubled, all grains have doubled, trucking costs for those still in the business have doubled, home heating fuel has doubled, electric rates have doubled, natural gas has doubled. Did I forget anything?

Well I guess that I did.I almost forgot to mention the food riots that have started since we became enlightened.

Last week when I saw the committee hearings with the oil execs., I couldn't help but think that the ones at the table should be members of congress themselves. I think Nancy, Barbara, Harry, Carl, should be sworn in, sat down, and made to fess up to the "American People" about their plan. But then again, did you ever notice that it's never congress? That they always have the right plan and solution? That it's always someone elses' fault?

Democrats have been working overtime to convince the "American People" that it's the fault of the oil companies, but it's just not working for them. 75% of the "American People" are seeing through the charade. They realize that we need to drill and refine also. Even Californians!

But remember, our esteemed congress has worked hard these last few weeks after their last vacation. They're all burned out and had to take their 4th of July vacation without doing anything at all about our energy problems, much less the housing problem. It's just to hard for them to concentrate on this right now and they had to go home.

So good luck to everyone, it looks like democrats in congress are going to keep oil prices sky-high for a very long time to come. It's the only way to make "renewables" alive.