Politics in Action

Political Shenanagans and the Deals Politicians Make. P. U. to the rest of us

Location: McHenry, Il., United States

Union electrician for 30+ years.Grew up in the 60's. Viet Nam Vet. Started out as pretty liberal, but... now I'm getting older.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bushs' Bet Pays Off

Looks like Bushs' plan to give democracy a chance in the Middle East is starting to pay dividends. For the last 7 yrs., dems have been poking fun at his plan as folly.
But, it looks like Iran is having it's share of problems. I think the main reason is the Iranians watching the Iraqies vote for the people they want to represent them and not be overruled by the "supreme leader". They might not do the things the people actually wantdone, but then, neither do ours. Right? I mean, let's get real here.
They risk getting killed, but they're showing the world that it's worth the risk to secure your own future.
This is driving the the mullahs bonkers. The only way they seem to be able to fight back is with bullets.
It makes my heart sing to see the turmoil in Iran right now. I just wish the mullahs and army were the ones suffering and not the Iranian people. I'm 60 yrs. old and I've seen what the Iranian leaders have done the US citizens, and others, over the years.
I think of politics as more of a sport, and (to me) a very exciting one at that. I mean, nothing gets the blood flowing like a good old political fight, right? I'll bet that the more the Iraqies participate in their government, they'll come to see it that way too.
I wish the Iranians a lot of luck in their endevor. It's not easy to change a form of government and people don't give up their powerful positions easily. These mullahs aren't going to roll over like the Marcos', and it was plenty hard to get them out.