Politics in Action

Political Shenanagans and the Deals Politicians Make. P. U. to the rest of us

Location: McHenry, Il., United States

Union electrician for 30+ years.Grew up in the 60's. Viet Nam Vet. Started out as pretty liberal, but... now I'm getting older.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Memories from a By-Gone Era

WOW! What a sight to behold. I never thought I'd see anything like this.

Let me start from the beginning. Today America honored the Tuskegee Airmen for their valor and service to the U.S. during WW2. This is something that's long overdue. I saw the movie, I bought it to see it.

Anyway, there on the dais was the honorable senator Robert Byrd. Been in congress forever. He was all smiles and looking proud as he looked on. Kinda like he just had a new grandchild. He looked as if he had something to do with the creation of the group or was one of their main supporters. He just beamed.

Then reality set in. It brought back memories of the old days. I can't remember exactly when this event took place, but it was in the late 60's or early 70's.

Yep, back then the nation was caught up in the civil rights movement. I was pretty young back then, but as I remember it, the honorable sen. Robt. Byrd was a loyal member of the Ku Klux Klan, along with others. There was a major row over the fact that some senators were admitted members and wouldn't renounce their memberships. All of a sudden, I came home one day, turned on the news, and after the Viet Nam coverage, there was the honorable sen. Robert Byrd on TV, tearing up his membership card. To me, back then, it seemed like it took years of brow-beating for the honorable sen. Robt. Byrd to throw in the towel.

Ah yes, the hypocrisy of it all. I almost died when I saw him standing there today. Just when you think that you've seen it all, a brick hits you in the head.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Jimmy Carter's response

I got a kick out of hearing former Pres. Jimmy Carter speaking about Pres. Bushs' remarks on the similarities between the Iraq and Revolutionary Wars. I thought it was a joke at first, then I realized that he was either serious or trying to rewrite history.

He said that the Revolution was an unnecessary war and that we'd be a free country today anyway. I guess he thinks we should have waited for over 300 years for our bold expirement.

The British government didn't break-up the Empire out of the kindness of their hearts. I sure don't remember it that way and having been in politics at the time it occurred, I'm sure that he knows the truth too. It all started with African nations wanting to throw off the chains of Colonial Europe. The British, French, and Portugese. The U.S. didn't have any colonies. Then it spread around the Empire to other countries. After years of riots and revolts, trying to hold it all together, they came up with the Commonwealth idea. Those countries fought long and hard for their independance.

The part I really can't believe is not one reporter or anyone else has tried to set the story straight.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Searching, Searching

Congress is hunt again. Searching high and low, for who's responsible for the conditions at Walter Reed Hospital.

The U. S. Congress, the most gutless assembly that I can remember, Are all looking for the responsible party, or parties, in the plight of our wounded Soldiers. It'll never in a million years occur to our elite members of congress, that THEY are partly to blame too. More them than anyone else as far as I'm concerned.

Our gutless elite didn't have the guts to debate the base closings when the time came, so they did one of the things that they do best. PASS THE BUCK ! Congress, in all it's wisdom, PASSED THE BUCK and left it up to a commission, then JUST HAD TO VOTE FOR THE BILL. They didn't have any choice. Poor babies. Funny how if you're on the hot seat in front of them, you can't PASS THE BUCK, unless it's to blame Bush for it. They always want to hold someones' feet to the fire. They don't understand how anyone could forget either, unless they're the ones under indictment.

The commissions recommendations were put into a bill and passed by congress, under duress, I'm sure. As usual they probably didn't have time in their busy schedules to read the entire bill, and must not have noticed Walter Reed was on the list to be closed. (Probably out raising money for their reelections.) So our wise leaders CUT FUNDING FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS FOR CERTAIN BASES. DUH!!!!! That leads to reductions in everything and that ain't rocket science. But maybe we need a STUDY first.

You know, the more I think about it, it seems like every time our noble congress gets involved to fix something, it really stinks later. And I mean everything. Just look at the security letters that have been sent out. In 1986 Sen. Pat Leahy got a bill passed allowing the FBI to use them. Now they (FBI) are, they (congress) don't like it, and are trying to PASS THE BUCK off on the Bush admin. Not to loudly though, lest the truth get out among the masses.

Soon it'll be immigration. But at times I think that we might have to wait until after the 2008 elections for that present to our children. The last thing dems want to do is give President Bush an accomplishment to point to.