Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

It seems like Hollywood has found a new star. It wasn't on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, not on stage, or even in the heavens. I should rephrase that, it was on stage, and in Springfield, Il. of all places. It's always the last place you look.
Excuse me for not falling all over myself over our native son (?), but I'm from The Great State of Illinois and I've seen Barak in action. I'll have to rephrase again, I HAVEN'T seen him in action. Now that I think about it, I can't remember one thing he did or even said. I don't remember any speeches, news quotes, interviews, Nothing. People in the Great State of Illinois would be hard-pressed to point to one accomplishment, law, bill, or anything. He's a professor of constitutional law, but so what? Any problems arising from disagreements between the executive and legislative branches of govt. are handled by the third branch (judiciary). The 1st time I can remember hearing about him was when he ran for the U.S. Senate.
I read the glowing reports in the Chicago Sun-Times and looked for the reason. They reported he wanted to do the same things that everybody else wants to do. Everybody there was all agog over his presence and all that. No specifics or banter about healing the Nation's Wounds. That'll come later, I guess. Just how excited this or that person was to be in his presence. The Press is really behind him with more media outlets seeing the vision everyday. Some still feel some loyalty to the Clintons, but that's going fast. If Barak can pass the Black Enough test, he's the man. There's no record to defend. Kerry should have been so lucky.
I guess that's why the Hollywood left is jumping ship. It's been reported that David Giffon and Jeff Katzenburg (Dreamworks Film Studios) are booking up. Former President Clinton had to personally intervene to stop Steven Spielburg from endorsing Barak. Bummer. They all plan to hold a big fund-raiser for Barak on Feb. 20 in L.A.
I'm starting to see problems with my "Swiftboat" theory, but the election is a long way off. It's so long that I think I'll suffer from Burnout long before it ever comes to pass. I'm getting tired already just thinking about what we're in for. They're all talking about spending hundreds of millions of dollars, and you know what that means.
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