Politics in Action

Political Shenanagans and the Deals Politicians Make. P. U. to the rest of us

Location: McHenry, Il., United States

Union electrician for 30+ years.Grew up in the 60's. Viet Nam Vet. Started out as pretty liberal, but... now I'm getting older.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Our Real Mid-East Friends

It isn't Egypt, Lybia, Pakistan or even Turkey. There's only one country in the middle-east with any guts to stand-up to Iran. You'd be hard pressed to get any of the Elites in congress to recognise that fact though. Our allies, the Saudi Arabians are the only ones willing to sacrifice for the good of the world. They're moving to cutoff Iran's money supply.

A few months ago, oil was $80 a barrel and looked like it was headed even higher. Now it's down in the $50 range and looking like it's going lower. Yes, some will say that we've had a mild winter, and it may have started that way, but it's back to normal now.The Europeans had a good shot of winter also.

The Saudis did something our own Elites in congress would never do. I don't know if congress lacks the vision, intelligence, or both. The Saudis chose to fight fire with fire. They seem to be trying to cut-off Iran's money supply. I think it's really a very good idea. Flood the oil markets and Iran runs low on Money. Da! It makes sense to me. All we hear in America is, "it's going to take 10 years to get the arctic oil developed." They may be right, But we've been hearing that song and dance since the "OIL SHOCK" back in 1976 when Jimmy Carter set the whole 1,000,000 acres in the arctic refuge aside for oil drilling. Even he knew we had to do something. For the youngsters, those were the days we had to wait in lines to buy gas, when it was available. And then, only on even or odd days.

I'm not stupid enough to think that the Saudis did it for our good. They did it to protect themselves. They aren't stupid enough to believe that anyone can negotiate with Iran. They've been members of the UN for to long to know that they can't do anything either. Our congressional goofs still think that Iran wants to negotiate. They aren't looking for negotiations anymore than al Qaeda is. They have an agenda and plan to carry it out no matter what.

Iran's president told the world to "let America bring it on". That America's not capable of doing much harm to them. The best that our Elites in congress can come up with is Negotiate? With who and for how long? 50 years or so? All the Democrats in the hallowed halls of congress seem to want to do is make a deal. Are we talking about the kind Bill Clinton made with N. Korea? You know, make a deal, give them a whole bunch of money, and then have them do what the N. Koreans did to Bill and us? Feed the army and build "the bomb"?

The Saudis know that the UN is too impotent to do anything about Iran. Our congress sure doesn't have the balls. So they decided to apply their own sanctions. Deprive Iran of their revenues, and they can't cause more mischief than they already are. Iran must be starting to feel the pinch too. They are lashing out using their proxies, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Sadr in Iraq.

I'm sure the Saudis heard about the N. Koreans helping Iran build long range missles by now, and I'll bet they're worried. I wouldn't be surprised to see all those oil producing countries ramp up production and drive the price down to $25 a barrel again, but that won't happen. But I'm sure they are willing to do almost anything to stop Iran even if we aren't.

That helps us with Chavez too. He was living large, passing out dough to all his U.S. hating pals. But now, with oil dropping, I'll bet we hear less from him too. He'll probebly lash out somehow trying to get our attention, but hopefully, he won't be able to do much damage.

It's just to bad that our very own elites in the hallowed halls of congress can't see the forest through the trees.

Thank you Saudi Arabia.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Push, push of the Bush

Call it a conspiracy if you want, but I think I see a plan in action. The senate and house democrats have their play book in hand, and they're executing their plan right now. And it doesn't include anything that might actually benefit the "American People".
It seems like the democrats will do anything that they have to, to lose this war. I couldn't understand their reasoning before, but I think I get it now.
Stop Bush! Only I don't think they're talking about George, I think it's Jeb they're worried about. He was pretty popular a couple of years ago, and it must've really put a scare into alot of democrats.I've never seen our hard working, elected officials in such a frenzy. Every Sunday on the talk shows, there is a parade of democrats Bushing this and Bushing that. I'm always amazed at how they can find so many complainers and hardly anyone who agrees.
It's a simple plan. Stop everything that the President is trying to do to protect the "American People" from Islamic crazies. They managed to stop the SWIFT program (following the money trail), put a stop on electronic intercepts,rendition, interrogations, and are still trying to get rid of Gitmo. Then all you have to do is, "Just say it didn't work". George Bush and the republicans lost the war. They didn't know what to do. Drag George Bush's name through the mud and make the Bush name one to fear. George Bush is stupid, he can't speak, he's incompetent, a war-monger, an abuser of the constitution, and on and on and hope that it rubs off on the Jebster. Jeb is more articulate than his brother, so that will present a problem for them. That's why they are getting started now.
Their plan seems to be working though. Even some republicans are starting to jump ship. It seems like people have a hard time believing that there's someone out there wanting and waiting to kill us.
The constant drumbeat for negotiations, but with who? People who will tell us anything we want to hear, just to get what they want? Bill Clinton sent Madeline over to negotiate with North Korea, and wow did they make a great deal for the U.S. We gave them food aid (probably went to the army), and oil and lots of other goodies. What did Kim do with all the money we saved them? He made extra money counterfeiting and developed a nuclear bomb, or so they say. He also worked and starved his people to death. All I can say is, thank you for sending Madeline over there. She did such a great job for the world and mankind. The whole world is much better off today, because of their foresight. Then there's Bosnia. 15 years ago, Bill Clinton told us American troops would only be there for 1 year. Out of the 20,000 NATO forces still there, 3/4's of them are US soldiers (18,000). Plus, we provide everything.
Then there's the "Bring the troops Home, because we're the problem" crowd. When the troops in Okinawa were a problem a couple of years ago because of a rape accusation, I don't recall anyone calling for the troops to come home. They don't like us there. We're the problem there. We've had 40,000 troops occupying their land for 60 years now. 80,000 occupying German soil to protect Europe from something. There's plenty of trouble there too. Bombings and everything. That doesn't sound like we're loved there to me. 37,000 troops occupying South Korea. It seems like every week there are riots and protests about our troops being there. They say we're the problem and don't want us there. Nobody here in the hallowed halls of congress seems to hear that though.
I sure hope that the next president is a democrat. I wouldn't be surprised to see alot of hand-wring and squirming when the next president says his hands are tied and there's nothing he can do. Alot of finger pointing as they try to undo what they did to Bush. Either that, or we'll be hearing Bush did this and Bush did that for the next 20 years. Hillary is already complaining about the next president having to deal with the situation.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Railroad Story

Just a note to start; the Village of Orland Park recently enacted a smoking ban for the welfare of the world's citizens. Naturally, the restaurants and bars lost 30% of their business, and thus the town 30% of those revenues. All of a sudden, the town's leaders decided that this was a little hasty. The law is going to be studied for it's effect on the community, so it'll be lifted starting now, which co-incidentally happens to a Bears playoff game day. I'm sure they'll be done with their study after either the playoffs, or if the Bears win, the Superbowl. So much for public servants and the health of the nation.

I see that Jane Bond, a.k.a. Valerie Plame, is in the news again. Time to railroad another govt. official for not remembering. It seems like none of them, and I mean from the president all the way down to the "dog catcher", ever remembers anything. Yet, they wouldn't understand you not remembering. They're going to get "Scooter' Libby for not remembering the right way (lying).

We have to get this straight. Even though it's now known that Richard Armitage (Media darling Colin Powell's aide) originally leaked her name to the press, we're going after "Scooter". Even though Joe Wilson lied about who sent him to Niger, and who "pulled his name out a hat", we're going after "Scooter". From what I saw on
Fox News and CNN just about everyone in her neighborhood knew that she drove her shiny, new red Jaguar off to Langley everyday. The only people who didn't know who she was, were the American People.

The real story is Aldridge Ames gave up the goods on operations and ops. personnel in the former U.S.S.R. and then Russia back in 1985. His operation lasted until 1994 when he got caught. By them we lost about 130 agents. Atleast 9 of them were executed by the KGB. If it were me, I'd be thankful that the U.S. was able to get her out alive so that she could work at Langley as an analyst. Instead Mr. Wilson feels he's been done wronged, lied to.

It's not like she can ever be a "top secret agent" ever again. After the Ames expose`, every security service in the whole world knew who she was and what she looked like. I'm sure that if they needed her expertise, they could find someone, somewhere in the country to fill her shoes at Langley.

Then we have to hear the likes of Joe Biden, Ted Kennedy, Carl Levin, Hillary, John Kerry, and the rest all wondering what happened to our intelligence. Those who don't learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Those Educated Letter Writers

I ran across a letter to the editor last Sat. 1-13-07. It was written by an elite. The Asst. Prof. of History at Northwestern Univ., Melissa McCauley. I can see that these kids are getting a real education from her.
In the letter, she talks about the “Voo-Doo” economics of the Bush administration. I don’t know if she can’t read, is just ignorant of the facts, just doesn’t care, or what, but according to the news reports of the last 5 years, the receipts into the treasury have been going up every year, year after year. I’m confused. Is the Liberal Press lying for the Bush administration? I doubt it. That doesn’t sound like “Voo-Doo” economics to me. It sounds like somebody actually might have gotten it right. Imagine that. Soon, after our taxes are paid, we’ll read and hear about it again.
She also talked about “Realistic Dreams” and “Winning Hearts and Minds”. What’s unrealistic about thinking that another group of people could hope to have some of the freedoms we have here? Professor, do you think that Iraqi’s are incapable of choosing their own destiny? Why do they all flock to the United States, if given the chance, if it’s so bad here? I just don’t get it.
As far as “winning hearts and minds” goes, who ever dreamed that these people would start killing each other with such ferocity? I can sleep at night knowing that this wasn’t the outcome people were expecting. I was under the impression that the Sunni and Shi’a settled their differences 1,000 years ago, but I guess I was wrong about that. This is just Iraqi against Iraqi, seeking revenge, plain and simple. All George Bush did was take the lid off and the pot boiled over.
Imagine if when President Kennedy was assassinated, all the Catholics and Protestants, or the Christians and non-Christians started killing and blowing each other to smithereens for a few years. We’ll have to bring in some Canadians or maybe Mexicans to kill people in both of our groups. Maybe some torture with a power drill for a little extra added excitement. You couldn’t even imagine that happening here or England or France or Germany or where ever, so why should we expect that kind of activity in Iraq? It looks as if we here in the West are just going to have to “Understand” and “Feel their pain”. You know, like we’re told. They have some shaking-out to do. Maybe the Rev. Jesse Jackson or Gov. Bill Richardson can go there and do something. But that’s wishful thinking. The Rev. Jackson is busy shaking down various businesses and the Governor is busy wrapping up the “crisis in Darfur”. Good Job.
Maybe cutting and running’s the way to go. I doubt it. I don’t think that even our “Friends” even believe that or that we would do it. Well maybe do it. After all, they’ve seen us run away before like with Viet Nam. We left with our tails between our legs, and a few million people died. But, “We felt Their Pain”, I’m sure. I was around then, but I can’t say I felt any pain. But, in the end, who really cares? Certainly not Sen. John Kerry or Rep. Jack Murtha or most any other democrat, that’s for sure. They led the Abandonment charge back then, and they are proudly doing the same thing today.
She wrote about how history looks back on presidents, but got it all wrong. History will smile on Goerge Bush. He’s the only president prepared to do what really is for the good of the American People. Make these Muslims deal with this nonsense, once and for all, I hope. That’s more than you can say for the Clinton administration. They had Sandy Burgler go and steal damaging, sensitive papers and destroy them before the truth could come out.
Repeat a lie enough and it becomes the TRUTH.